Jake Gertz is your average 23 year-old guy. He was born in Ironwood, MI, a small town in the Upper Peninsula. He's in school at University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO, he goes to concerts and sporting events and even goes skiing at Breckenridge. So what makes Jake so special? (Besides his striking good looks of course...)

In July of 2006, Jake was seriously injured resulting in the classification of a C-5 incomplete quadriplegic. This means his spinal cord was injured at the fifth vertebrae but did not cut or puncture his spinal cord. The doctors used a plate, two rods and 12 screws to fuse his neck and a piece of his right hip to replace the shattered vertebrae.
Following his injury, he spent 3 months at St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth, MN then was transfered to Craig Hospital in Englewood, CO where he spent the remaining 4 months of his recovery. This is the same hospital where Kevin Pearce is being treated.
After a tough recovery process, he has become even stronger then he was before. With many ups and downs, he has kept a strong head on his shoulders and has had an unbelievable support system with his friends and family.

Jake is living on his own in Greeley, CO where he attends school and lives the average life of a 23 year old. He loves the band Swollen Members and in the past year has had the pleasure to meet the band. He has also been to Rockies and Avalanche games with friends who have come from across the country to visit him.

Jake's most recent and amazing adventure was just a couple weeks ago where he went skiing at Breckenridge. If this doesn't strike you as dedicated, I don't know if anything will. He has never taken no for an answer. He has proved everyone wrong when they told him he wouldn't be able to do things like this ever again. Jake is unbelievably positive and looks forward to everyday. He is an inspiration to me and I couldn't feel more blessed to be his friend.

Holding his head high, he continues to progress and live his life to the fullest. In the last four years during Jake's struggles, I couldn't tell you one negative word uttered by him. He values his life and the things he is still able to do. Jake is living proof that no matter what you set your mind to, it is possible to achieve it!